The Law of Attraction states that your positive words and thoughts carry
vibrations out to the universe and then those same vibrations return to
you. Affirmations are used to put these positive thoughts into a
verbal form that you can recite for help with your spiritual growth. In
order to get the most out of your affirmations, it's best to write a
list of the affirmations you wish to use
Pull out a piece of paper and pen. At the top of the page, write the
words "My Affirmations Are:" Now, follow this by twelve positive
statements about yourself and your life. You might consider, "I am a
good listener when I listen with love." Take your time to complete
these. It may even take you a couple of days to figure out all twelve.
These are going to be very important in your spiritual path, so it
makes sense to put some effort into these affirmations.
When you feel you are done writing, it is time to begin practicing your affirmations. For the best possible spiritual growth, state your affirmations nine times. Say the words out loud and believe in them. Focus your energies on nothing else. Only hear the words you are saying. Think about how you feel when you are speaking each of your affirmations. How do they resonate? You must declare the affirmations like your life depends upon them. It is, after all, your life. Your spiritual growth and happiness will depend upon your affirmations materializing.
Once you have finished practicing your affirmations, take a moment to think about how you feel. You may feel very powerful and ready to tackle the world. You feel at peace and very relaxed. Whatever you feel, you can be sure it will follow you throughout the day. Remember your affirmations when you doubt yourself. Your spiritual growth will also benefit from the work that you put into these affirmations.
If you can, begin each day reciting your affirmations nine times. This will help you bring balance and energy to you in order to start your day. While there are days you may feel you need an extra boost of energy, practicing your affirmations and contemplating your spiritual growth is a great way to recharge.
You may feel at times that your affirmations need changing to meet specific events that occur in your life. This is fine. You can change these as you feel necessary. You may also find that with spiritual growth, you may not need to practice as much as you might have. However, practicing affirmations, especially before meditation, promotes the spiritual growth even more.
Some people feel more comfortable with affirmations that are already written. While these generic affirmations are quite acceptable, when you create your own, they feel more personal when you say them. Depending upon your spiritual growth, you may come to realize that the generic affirmations are no longer fulfilling your needs. Then it is time to write your own. While not everyone will experience spiritual growth from affirmations, you should feel the differences in your way of thinking and dealing with everyday issues. Some parts of spiritual growth are simply there and that is what it's all about.
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