Arch Angel Michael, January 11th 2013
deepest love and appreciation for each and all of those who continue
upon their paths is what we desire to begin this message with. Please
be assured that no moment passes in which this is not foremost in our
physical changes to your cellular makeup, in response to the continuing
barrage of cosmic light, continue at a rapid pace, and the corresponding
increase in your personal light is obvious to all those observing your
world. Changes are increasing in your economic systems. Other changes
are increasing, as well. But because the reports you have available do
not come from the five major information conglomerates which spoon feed
the world with lies and half-truths it is easy for many to deny all of
will, of course, come a time when these things can no longer be denied.
Because so many of you continue in your conviction and efforts toward
personal change, this will occur sooner rather than later. But, as some
of your governments have learned to their chagrin, imposing massive
change from the outside never, ever works. Easing the path for the
change to surface from within, however, will work. And it is to your
everlasting credit that you have chosen to maintain your efforts until
that can happen for as many of your brothers and sisters as possible.
Some of
them will grumble. Some will accuse. Some will turn their back upon
you. But you have not allowed that to deter you in the past and we know
it will not stop you now. You have always found the strength to
continue and ways to proceed. We have always given whatever aid and
inspiration possible. These things will never change. There are
lessons being learned on both sides of this question.
understand that this is not what you most desire to hear at this point.
You wish us to tell you that at such an appointed hour, on such an
appointed day, your world will be transformed completely. Were there to
be such an occurrence, dear hearts, it would be necessary for either
separate worlds to exist, or your new world would begin to deteriorate
due to the fact that billions of your co-creators would still be
creating according to their state of consciousness, just as they are
now. Yes, they would continue to evolve in their understanding, just as
they are now. Yes, the outcome would eventuate in a completely
ascended planet, just as it will now.
Most of
you who read these messages understand what has happened and are having
almost daily personal evidence that much has changed for them. Most
understand that not only are you changing in your inner beings, but you
are indeed being helped immensely by your spiritual guides and
teachers. Some are indeed beginning to see evidence that change has
occurred in their physical environment. There is plenty to cheer your
hearts and motivate you, dear friends, if you look for it. And there
will be much more surfacing as this monumental change continues.
We ask
you to continue doing what you do. Resolve to re-double your own
personal work to change yourselves. Find comfort, peace, and love
You have
not lost anything, nor will you. In fact, we tell you that at the very
least, your sense of community has been vastly enhanced. We would tell
you that our love for you has increased, but that, dear ones, loving you
more, is something that may be impossible. Breathe in the
unconditional love and light from your Creator, find the peace it brings
to you, and sit in that space until you are once again centered and
We love you. We have been with you forever, and we always will be. Peace be with you.
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