“The story began in a land called Atlantis. Yes, I know that
scientists are not certain that Atlantis ever existed, even though
people in history, like Plato of Ancient Greece said that it did. There
is no definitive evidence to prove that it actually sank beneath the
ocean waves. But there are remnants of people who are still alive today
who do remember.
The Hopi of Arizona, USA do remember, and they have told me
personally that they used to live on Atlantis. The Kogi and the Arhuaco
say the same thing. I even met a Mongolian shaman who said that his
tribe remembers that they used to live on Atlantis. They even remember
exactly how they travelled from Atlantis to Mongolia. The people who
remember keep these memories hidden in the stories they tell their
children, and in the hearts of their shamans.
And then there were the Maya, who also tell me they used to live in
Atlantis. To back them up, there is documentation from the discovery of
several Mayan stones found in one temple in the Yucatan, that the Maya
used to live in Atlantis thousands of years ago…..
These stones show an ancient city in Atlantis, and how, on a single
day, the Earth began to move and volcanoes started exploding. The Maya
got into boats and rowed from where they were in Atlantis to the
present-day Yucatan in Mexico…
The time of Atlantis was a point in history when humans had developed
consciously to a very high level – a level of consciousness beyond
anything that we assume is even possible for humankind. But we were
However, only fewer than a thousand people had actually reached that
stage of evolution. Most of the ordinary people of Atlantis were in a
level of consciousness similar to what we are in now…And in between
those people and these very high-level beings, were the Maya.
The Maya were the translators between the people with this very high
level of consciousness, who were called the Nakkals, and the ordinary
people of Atlantis. The Nakkals lived in totally dark pyramids, floated a
few inches off the ground, and glowed in the dark, lighting up the
pyramids. They were the living dreamers who created the outer reality
from dreams from their hearts. The Maya were the priesthood, the ones
who translated through ceremony what was being told to them by this
inner group of very high beings, to the ordinary people of Atlantis.
Everything was going fine for thousands of years, until about 4,000
years before the sinking of Atlantis. A meteorite came out of the night
sky and struck the Earth, just missing the western shores of Atlantis,
which would now be very close to the eastern shores of the United
States. Before it hit the ocean, it broke into three pieces.
The three pieces went into the ocean and made three huge, deep holes near the edge of Atlantis..
One of the three pieces of the meteorite struck very close to
Atlantis and destabilized their continent. It left them on the edge of a
huge abyss. And so 4,000 years later, or a little less than 13,000
years ago from now, the Earth experienced a pole shift. The continent of
Atlantis couldn’t withstand the extreme movement, and being so close to
this enormous hole in the Earth, it sank beneath the ocean.
The high-level Nakkals knew their continent was going to go
underwater – they knew at least 200 years before the event – and thus
they were prepared for the catastrophe.”
The rest of the story is amazing ! We know you will love this book!
The Mayan Ouroboros: The Cosmic Cycles Come Full Circle
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