Long, long ago we humans were quite different. We could communicate and experience in ways that only a few today modern world would even begin to understand. We could use a form of communication and sensing that does not involve the brain whatsoever but rather comes from a sacred space within the human heart.
In Australia the Aborigines are still connected in an ancient web of life they call dreamtime. In this collective dream or state of consciosness they continue to exist within their hearts and live and breathe in a world that has become almost completely lost to today`s Western mind. Nearby, in New Zealand, the Maori can see across the vastness of space to the United States in their “meditations.” In thismanner they link in actual communication with the Hopi to set upmeetings to exchange their prophesies. Without sending a single“technological” communication, the arrangements are made. InHawaii, the Kahuna commune with Mother Earth to ask for the place where the fish are swimming to feed their people. The billowing whiteclouds in the pristine blue sky turn into the shape of a human handthat points to the teeming fish below. In a high mountain valley deepin the Sierra Nevada mountains of Colombia, South America, lives atribe of indigenous people who know the language that has no words.This language comes from a sacred space within their hearts.If only we could remember! Before Babylon, the Holy Bible says,humankind was blessed with a single language that all peoples on the Earth knew. But afterwards we were split into hundreds of spo-ken languages creating barriers among us, keeping us separate fromone another, each in our own little introverted world.The mistrust born of misunderstanding was our involuntary fate; inthis fashion we were destined to be pitted against each other. Wecouldn’t talk to each other. It was separation in the coldest form. Evenif they were born of the same cosmic Source, brothers and sisters wereunable to express their thoughts and feelings and soon became ene-mies. As the centuries piled upon each other, the ancient way of entering the heart to experience the common dream got lost in theisolation of the human mind.This is a book of remembering. You have always had this place within your heart, and it is still there now. It existed before creation,and it will exist even after the last star shines its brilliant light. Atnight when you enter your dreams, you leave your mind and enter your sacred space of your heart. But do you remember? Or do youonly remember the dream? Why am I telling you about this “something” that is fading fromour memories? What good would it do to find this place again in a world where the greatest religion is science and the logic of the mind?Don’t I know that this is a world where emotions and feelings aresecond-class citizens? Yes, I do. But my teachers have asked me to remind you who youreally are. You are more than just a human being, much more. For within your heart is a place, a sacred place where the world can literally be remade through conscious cocreation. If you really want peace of spirit and if you want to return home, I invite you into the beauty of your own heart. With your permission I will show you what has beenshown to me. I will give you the exact instructions to the pathway into your heart, where you and God are intimately one.It is your choice. But I must warn you: Within this experienceresides great responsibility. Life knows when a spirit is born to thehigher worlds, and life will use you as all the great masters who have ever lived have been used. If you read this book and do the medita-tion and then expect nothing to change in your life, you may getcaught spiritually napping. Once you have entered the “Light of theGreat Darkness,” your life will change—eventually, you will remem- ber who you really are; eventually, your life will become a life of serv-ice to humanity.In the last two chapters reside a surprise and a glimpse of greathope. The human lightbody that surrounds the body for about fifty-five to sixty feet in diameter, the Mer-Ka-Ba (which I wrote about in my first two books,The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life volumes Iand II), has a secret inherently connected to this sacred space of theheart. If you are practicing the Mer-Ka-Ba meditation in your life, I believe you will find the information in this book to be paramount to your journey of ascension into the higher worlds of light. If you areonly interested in the sacred space of the heart, may these words bea blessing in your life and help you remember your true nature.One last comment. This book is written with the least amount of words possible to convey the meaning and to keep the integrity of the essence of this experience. The images are purposefully simple.It is written from the heart, not the mind
Drunvalo Melchizedek
Living in the Heart: How to Enter into the Sacred Space Within the Heart
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