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Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Spiritual Laws Associated with Metaphysics

Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy that investigates the principles of reality that transcends those of any specific science. Ontology and cosmology are the traditional areas of metaphysics. Metaphysics specially deals with explaining the true nature of the world and of each being.There are several spiritual laws that are associated with metaphysics. While these spiritual laws may vary slightly from each spiritual platform to another, there are basically very similar. Here are the seven spiritual laws from which everything else flows. The nice part about these spiritual laws is that once you understand and live by them, life becomes very simple.

1. Law of Control: This law simply states that we feel good about ourselves and have high self-esteem to the degree that we feel in control of our own lives. However, most of the earth's population does not abide by this law; therefore, they would fall to the Law of Accident.

2. Law of Accident: This law of metaphysics deals states that when you have low self-esteem and feel awful about yourself; you allow the circumstances and events of the world around to control your life. You become the victim of circumstances beyond your control. While this law does not mean you will always have negative things in your life, because the positive benefits you as well, it does mean that you play the victim when the bad things occur.

3. Law of Cause and Effect: This is also known as the Law of Destiny. It is the most powerful of all the laws and simply states that everything happens for a reason. All of your actions will have consequences; so will inactions. It states there is a specific cause to every effect you may encounter in your life. While spiritual laws pertain to metaphysics, this law is very similar to Newton's third law of motion, which states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

4. Law of Belief: This is one of the spiritual laws that states whatever you believe can become your reality. Until you are able to change the negative beliefs in your life, you will not be able to see the positive changes in your reality. If you limit yourself mentally, it will come to pass in your physical life as well.

5. Law of Expectation: This spiritual law of metaphysics states that whatever you believe in will come to pass. If you believe in a positive outcome, the outcome will normally be positive. However, if you believe that only bad things will come to pass, it's more than likely going to be the case.

6. Law of Attraction: This spiritual law of metaphysics states that what we think about most will be attracted into our lives. If your thoughts are consistently directed toward positive outcomes. Spiritual laws are based upon the metaphysical facts of vibrations. Metaphysics states that everything has a vibration and as a result of this vibrational energy, like will attract like.

7. Law of Correspondence: This law of metaphysics states that what you experience on the outside of your body is simply a reflection of what is happening on the inside. It means that your outer world will reflect your inner world. If you want to make your outside life better, you need to make changes on the inside.
These spiritual laws of metaphysics are directed at how your actions, feelings, or thoughts, affect every aspect of your life. Spiritual laws should be used to guide you on your journey through life.

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