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Saturday, January 12, 2013

Healing Stones: Fire Agate

The Fire Agate is a variety of Agate that contains inclusions of Goethite or Limonite which produces an iridescent effect or "fire."

Fire Agate represents the spiritual flame of absolute perfection. It is deeply connected to Earth Energies and physical vitality. Work with Fire Agate when you feel stressed out, anxious or fearful. The energy of this stone will keep you calm and at ease, feeling safe and secure. You can also use Fire Agate when grounding and balancing is needed.

Fire Agate shares the message, "Be the best you can be. Tap into your own perfection." Fire Agate is a wonderful piece to work with when dealing with particularly difficult situations. It helps to protect from energies that are not in your best interest or for your highest good. Fire Agate helps to clear blockages and stabilize the chakras.

Physically, Fire Agate can help to reduce cravings that can be present with addictions. Fire Agate can also help issues of the stomach and digestive organs, lymphatic system, and skin disorders. Use Fire Agate as a support stone when going through emotional trauma.

Primary Chakra: Root, Sacral
Astrological sign(s): Aries
Vibration: Number 9

Would you like an Agate Fire? Click here

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