Psychic Readings Guide You Through Successful Life

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Sheldan Nidle - February 12, 2013

Selamat Balik! We return with much more to tell you! The special deadline set by Heaven is practically upon us. The dark continues to scramble in vain to find a means of maintaining your shrinking world reality, but the old perceptions are fading as the new precipitates more confidently into your realm. It is only the old sacred agreement that is holding together the dark, cold world that you have known since birth. This is now set to convert into something that can bring you long life, joy, and prosperity. As you await all this, we can report that Heaven requests that we continue with our personnel replacement project mentioned last week, and also, that we assure everyone that a new reality is indeed ready to bloom once the old agreement is formally terminated. Adding impetus to the need for change is Gaia, who dearly wishes to reconfigure her surface world and take on the magnificence she once possessed so very long ago. This surface reconfiguration is part of the process of integrating dimensionally her inner and outer worlds. The Agarthans also deeply wish to be formally introduced so that a wide range of hitherto 'forbidden' knowledge can be brought forward.
All these things are on the horizon, and as the interference of the dark recedes, your reality, like the needle of a compass, is turning toward its true magnetic heading and all the joys and wonders to be found there. We look forward to this moment and are busy advocating to our sacred supervisors that these events manifest as so clearly decreed by AEON. Our liaison teams and our diplomatic corps are closely watching all the nations of the planet as your destiny involves reshaping your global governance as well as returning you to full consciousness. All this is a preamble to the resurrection of your galactic society, and we come to guide you along the final leg of your journey as swiftly as possible. The personnel chosen to be your individual mentors visit you every night with your Medical Teams in order to get to know you better. Your individual dossiers are swelling in size and you would be amazed at how complex and thorough they are. Your Med Teams work very closely with those who daily program all this complex data into your personal Light chambers.
The process of preparing your world for this massive transformation is a 24/7 focus for us. Gaia is anxious to proceed with the process of returning her much-battered surface to its pristine state, but the extent of this remodeling necessitates your moving to a safe haven first. This is why the Agarthans immediately volunteered their homeland for the building of a network of domiciles containing your individual Light chambers. This also provides them with the opportunity and the means of showing you how and why we first colonized Mother Earth, and why the dark was so adamant in covering it all up! Rediscovering your true ancient history is key to remembering who you really are. This knowledge can provide the context which will allow you to see through some of the dark's fundamental lies and to accept the truth about your true origins. The Agarthans are also looking forward to showing you at first hand that the planets of this solar system are hollow. Startling though this may sound for some of you, it only constitutes the first round of the information considered basic for you to know.
The prosperity you are shortly to possess is another step on this short journey. In this regard, remember that you are being prepared for a new reality, one that requires that you comprehend how the dark used money as a tool to control the way you thought and behaved. Now you can use this device to plan your future and do what is necessary to help family and friends to change their perceptions and adjust to living successfully in your very new reality. Our mentors' task is to bring you up to speed so that you can better take in and integrate all that you will be required to know to embrace your divine destiny. The new financial resources are to enable you to do what you feel is required, bearing in mind that you are creating a transitional society which is ultimately to morph into a galactic one. Once you achieve full consciousness, our guidance is intended to be that of a mentor, not a decision-maker. That role is your divine right, which you are to use collectively to build your own galactic society.
Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! Your blessed Mother Earth continues her gradual process of preparing her life-bearing surface world to conjoin with her luxuriant Inner Earth realm. The Agarthans are graciously in step with these transformations and have done much to prepare for the coming relocation of humanity. We are most grateful to these wondrous Beings who have not only provided us with a much-needed base for many millennia, but have also lent us the security and peace of their inner realm to facilitate your transformation back into fully-conscious Beings. Gaia is now on the verge of her final preparations before she begins her surface changes in earnest. It is this that makes it imperative that the opening dramas on the surface world commence immediately. Heaven informs us that the blessed celestial events required to alert our sacred associates are about to happen. The time grows short for a marvelous series of events to be inaugurated across this blessed globe.
Our sacred associates now know what miraculous things are to appear in the Heavens. These will signal to them that the time has arrived to bring forth the new governance and the never-ending prosperity for all. This series of events will produce the special pronouncements which will implement the stipulations of what is called NESARA, and begin the countdown to disclosure and reunion with your Inner Earth family. This reunion is to trigger a series of special broadcasts from your space family which will introduce us, the Ascended Masters, formally to you. We have so much information to impart to you, which is essential for preparing you for your swift, final journey to full consciousness. The dark has lied to and manipulated you for millennia so as to keep your societies mired in hate, war, and disunity. Our teachings will transform all this into Love, peace, and a new global unity.
In the immediate time ahead, Heaven is to bring you a grand moment that leads to big improvements in your health and especially your sanity! Technologies long sequestered by your present governments will be fully revealed and made available to all, healing sickness, disability, addictions, and general psychological imbalances or distress. Your freedom will thus be accompanied by the means to transform your world by emptying your hospitals and prisons, and banishing all unnecessary fears caused by disease, poverty, and ignorance. We have prayed long for this divine moment. Humanity is at last to partake of the blissful fruits of Heaven, and Heaven will then rejoice and send even greater blessings to this transforming realm. It will be a time of miracles and thanksgiving! A time when your trek through the wilderness comes to a most joyous conclusion!
Today we brought you another installment about events in your world, present and future. These messages will continue until Heaven sets up a new way of informing you about what is happening around you. Be in joy, and ready to accept the many gifts that are about to return you to full consciousness. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Angels are called messengers, but messengers from whom and to whom? – channeled by Ron Head


We speak over and over about your hearts.  Let us begin today’s message with that and see a little of why it is so important.

You have all been told, for as long as you can remember, that you think with your brain.  Actually you do not.  Your brain is a marvelous instrument, but it is only an instrument.  You are more than a little likely, as you are one who reads these messages, to understand that you are not a package of meat and bones with a life, a mind, and a soul, but a life, a mind, and a soul that lives in a package of meat and bones.  You temporarily inhabit your body, and for the time that such is the case, it is actually within you, even though it feels as if you are within it.

The connecting link between you, as a life, and your temporary home, is another one of your bodies which contains centers of energy which perform certain functions for you.  Of these centers, your teachings have given major importance to seven.  And of these seven, one happens to be located in the vicinity of the organ that pumps blood through your systems.  It is this we refer to when we say your heart.

As applies to your life, it is this center which is associated with the feelings of love, compassion, and those higher feelings that we speak so often about.  Other major centers are devoted to other things.  For instance, feelings dealing with survival are centered lower down in the system.  And the feelings we call higher, the love, compassion, empathy, and so on, are felt most strongly through this heart center.  Now there is nothing that is a part of you which is not important, so higher, as we just used the word, does not mean that other feelings are not necessary or important.  The urge to run when startled is hardly less important, do you see?  But the ability to identify with the suffering of another, to love all life, and to desire with all one’s heart to attain spiritual goals is rather lofty, is it not?  What you have often missed is that these things are not only not possible, but not desirable, when life is hanging on a thread.  So the word higher needs to be understood a little differently.

But since you have a computer connection, and are probably reading this or listening to it after it has been translated and recorded, we will assume that such is not the case for you.  Therefor you have the luxury of time and resources to spend time considering these higher feelings.  All we can say about that is, “Good!  You are not wasting the opportunity.”  That makes a point, but it was always understood that you would not, once you found yourself where you are, devote yourself to anything else.

Now… your heart.  This is the place where dwells the you that we communicate with.  When your heart is open for business, you are well upon this proverbial path that you love so much to speak of.  And the feelings which will begin being felt very, very strongly by you when you have your attention in this place, this heart, are the messages which come directly from your Creator, from us, from your higher selves, your guides, and others who love you more than you could possibly understand yet.  We who speak with you here, in this you have called your inner temple, have no other purpose than to lift you up into the very best and highest you can possibly be.

This is why, dear ones, we speak incessantly of your hearts.  If all of that gives you some small understanding of why we wish you to spend time each day in quietude, within your heart space, then this was a well spent discussion.  Communication with you is, you see, what we are all about.  Angels are called messengers, but messengers from whom and to whom?  You, dearest ones, are the reason for our being here.  We love you.

Have a joyous day and we will speak again soon.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

Hilarion’s Weekly Message – February 3-10, 2013

Beloved Ones,
You are entering a magical time that will open up many avenues of possibilities for each of you. Be open to the synchronicities that occur with more rapidity in your lives and try to recognize the opportunities that are being presented to you. These promptings come in subtle forms in ways that may seem ordinary to you and it will be up to you to discern the treasure being given. You could say that you are in a treasure hunt! Spirit is bringing in more pieces of the puzzle that will put “Humpty Dumpty” together again. The key is to be fully present in the Now moment.
Staying grounded into the Earth helps you in these moments to act upon the outer opportunities that come. These opportunities vary and are as diverse as the Universe is wide. What is right for one may help another find clues to their own empowerment so it is important to join together to share your insights and findings. The game of remembrance is on, make it an adventure filled with passion, excitement, innocence and above all, trust, that you are moving to the next step of your journey. Many miracles can and will happen during the coming times.
The energy downloads from the higher dimensions continue in their cycles and most of you can now feel these as they are occurring. As conduits of energy, you are helping to create the New Earth reality by being willing to allow these energies to flow through you and we understand that this can be challenging at times, for it seems the purging effects of the downloads are never ending. This is a time that requires great patience with yourselves and your quest to move into acceleration of the transformation of your human selves. It IS happening and is a force unto itself lighting up and activating more strands of your DNA/RNA.
Spiritual growth occurs as the body and consciousness of each Soul can safely tolerate the greater inputs of energy, Light, knowledge and information. Little by little, each rung up the ladder of evolution is producing many more initiations that usually occur upon the etheric levels and brings challenges in your daily lives for you to meet with equilibrium and balance. The making of Masters is moving forward relentlessly and of course, we refer here to mastery of life in a human body and experience. As this brings success individually, it also assists in raising the overall energetic field that surrounds the Earth atmosphere.
We ask you to remain true to yourselves, to your individual paths and to never give up when the way seems too long. There is always a solution that lies within every seeming problem. Trust that your inner guidance will always bring to you your highest good in a way that will create more joy and happiness in your daily lives. The air is alive with infinite possibilities now.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
©2013 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and website is included.

Poofness – Bye Bye Cruel World – 2/3/2013

Greetings and Salutations;
Enough has happened and locked in to end this journey. So we’re off to see the ‘wizard’. It pretty much took the ability to do right handed things with the left hand, to finish this job…the shifting of the world’s banking system. It took vast ‘commodities’ and unrelenting sticking to the task at hand. And a huge amount of focus to Not kill folks that (as they say) needed killin’. The arrogance was unbelievable, folks in circles that believe in their ‘right’ to lord it over everybody else who couldn’t see the truth when it was right at the end of their noses. Games up dudes and dudettes, the earth is not yours, to do as you wish.There’s an old saying, ‘karma’s a bitch, then ya die’.
From hence forth, ‘munchkins’ will keep telling you to follow the yellow brick road, no worries about getting dazzled by the brilliance. Lower your head and take on what ever task you set for yourself. Dance forward on your path and do it in joy. We aren’t going back, we are going forward. Going into the world created for these times. Much of what you will witness now, is folks passing because they can’t handle the change. Can’t deal with the fact that low frequency behavior is a thing of the past, like neanderthals having to deal with cro-magnon man. It took them a while to find out, they were actually living side by side for a while. Hmm, wanna make a comparison to the present?
There have been some alterations but it’s all wrapped up in the speed at which the big changes take place. The flooring had to be ripped All the way up. No half stepping. which is reverberating thru DC right now. Who is a good guy, who’s a bad guy, you’ll be finding out most directly. These announcements are so, the american people never let these past 100+ years, be repeated. It’s All good and you will hear it with your own ears, soon enough. Time to go ‘poof’.
To keep communications going, consultations are available until our door knocks.
Love and Kisses;

Aisha North - The manuscript of survival – part 263

Let us begin this missive by saying that you have all passed a threshold now, dear ones, and from this point, there is no more turning back. These words may fall on somewhat fallow ground, for to you, it might feel that you are doing no more than threading water at the moment. But for us, your forward momentum has never stopped, not even for a second. For you are indeed being propelled forwards at a speed that is astonishing, but as you have in some ways seemingly lost the ability to detect your progress yourselves, we will as always be on hand to inform you of it. And by that, hopefully implant at least a small impetus to not let yourself go in all of this. Let us explain.
As you all passed from last year and into this, the brand new one, you also left behind the old you in more ways than you maphaps have realized yet. But as always, what has been a part of the illusion that still surrounds you on all sides, is nothing if not stubborn in keeping up appearances. In other words, you will in so many ways still feel like the same old you, but that is in fact not the truth. The truth is that the old you fell away as soon as you opened yourselves to the new energy that came in during those last but oh so important weeks of last year, and as such, you have been reborn in all aspects except one; namely the self-image you still carry with you. And that self-image is so imprinted in your brain, you will have a hard time getting rid of it completely. Hence, this strange feeling of being untethered energetically from the old, but at the same time, the feeling of still being stuck inside of it all.
In other words, you have all taken a giant leap forward, but on the surface, it will seem like you have taken a giant leap into ”what is this?”. In other words, you will feel the disconnection from the old deeply within you, but as you have yet to literally live the separation, this is a period of seemingly deep confusion and disturbance for you all. This will manifest in myriads of ways, as you all have an individual programming that is still trying to override your new programming. In other words, your own personal setup is doing its best not to be rendered obsolete from all of the new, so it is doing all it can in order to keep doing the job it was given from the onset. And that job is a simple one indeed, because the old programming had one purpose, and one purpose only, and that was to keep you all set into ”human” mode, with all of its limitations, and that is what it is still trying to do. So it is not being ”bad” in any way, even if the fallout from all of these conflicting commands you are getting from yourself is causing more than a little unease at the moment.
Remember, this old programming was set up with the intent of keeping you going in the same old track, but now, the track has been changed, and the tune with it, so this insistence of playing off the same old tune on top of the new one is causing not a little disharmony at the moment. And remember, your senses have been well trained to listen to this old record, to call it that, and it will at first have a hard time literally tuning into the new and disregard the repeat message from that old track. So yes, you will feel yourself being tossed to and fro between these two lines of reasoning, and rightly so. Remember we have talked about the concept of drag before, and this too is a part of your own personal process. So much of you have already taken that step across that proverbial threshold, but the outer layers to call it that, the guiding voice you have heard from the very first moment you opened your eyes within a human body, that is certainly lagging far behind. And as you have been so well attuned to it, you will have a hard time ignoring its insistent voice.
We know we speak in parables, but let us just sum up this missive by saying that you have all moved ahead rapidly, just as we knew you would, but as you are still immersed within this old concept of ”you”, you will continue to get conflicting signals that will make your own image of this process much more confusing to behold. For you are all progressing rapidly in the intended direction, but those outermost parts of you will insist that you are trapped in a backwater somewhere, and you are unable to get back out into the rapids along with the rest. But fear not, you are not trapped anywhere, even if that voice from yesteryear is doing its best to convince you otherwise. Again we tell you to keep breathing and keep focusing, so you can help yourself to hear the voice of reason that is already within. It is there, and it will not go away, no matter how audible the old tune gets in the days ahead. So again we tell you that all is well, and the course that have been set you are not deviating from in any way. We are well pleased by your work, and we know that you will agree too once you get past that little voice of discontent still ringing in your ears.

Aisha North - The manuscript of survival – part 262

The days have indeed starten to lengthen on your part of the globe, but for many, the nights seem to have become even longer. Let us explain.
As we have talked about in earlier missives, the ”global warming” to call it that of the infusion of light that has been beamed onto your planet lately will have a profound effect on you all. Not only on all of those already sufficiently open to welcome these harbingers of light, but on each and every living being on your planet. And as such, the effects will indeed be manyfold. For not only will they strengthen the resolve in all of those already welcoming the light, but they will in addition trigger the doors in so many others, and this will in turn make them start to open the door into their hearts. In other words, your choir will acquire so many new members in the times ahead, and your voices will start to blend perfectly into a song of freedom. But do not forget that these heavenly messengers of hope will also knock on the doors of all of those still set on hiding behind their walls of fear, and when they hear this sound, they will become even more agitated. Do do not forget that this level of brightness will tear into the sensitive eyes of so many out there already feeling the pressure of change around them, and they will not suffer this in silence. We know that this will not be news to any of you, but it bears repeating at times like this. Never forget, the actions of someone literally hell bent on holding back this flood of light will be very visible indeed. Not only because it will seem very at odds with the prevailing feeling of harmony that is spreading ever so quietly around you, but also because these kinds of actions never go unnoticed by the mass media. And as such, the further into the corners the light is reaching, the harder the fight to keep it back will become in those desperate souls trying to literally hold back time. They are indeed fighting a losing battle, but that will not dampen their resolve, far from it.
We know that this is perhaps not the message you want to partake in at the moment, because we are aware that many of you feel like you yourselves are standing on shaking ground. You feel this pressure from the void growing day by day, and you seem to find this heralded morning of glory withdrawing ever further into the shadows. So doubt and fear and even lethargy is starting to seep into many a brave soul, and as such, the brightening will seem to be less than pronounced for so many of you. Do not think we do not see this, and do not think we did not take that into consideration before all of this was set into motion. For we know so well that a human heart can only go so far, and for many of you, the strings holding on to your resolve are starting to become very frayed at the edges. Well, all we can give you today is again the same message of encouragement. Remember, these words that we give you on a regular basis are just the icing of the cake to call it that. For what you are receiving in abundance at the moment, are the energetic codes that are busy unlocking all of the doors you still have hidden inside.
We know this will not be of any consolation to many of you, but still, it is a message we will keep giving you every time. For these missives are merely a minor wave in this enormous sea of energy that you are literally being inundated in on a permanent basis now. And even if you seem to lack any form of spotting the presence of this sea of change washing all over your planet at the moment, it is indeed nothing but facts. And you all know it in your heart of hearts. But again, on the surface, the challenge of keeping this truth alive is growing daily. Give me proof we hear you say, and rightly so, as you have all been well trained to meet the reality you face each and every day through the eyes, ears and mind of a human. Well, you can find some proof through these senses if you try, but they will be tiny little miracles indeed, and not enough to satisfy your craving for confirmation. So again we say, even if these words will cause more than a little friction within many a human mind at the moment, go within, for that is indeed where the truth lies, and that is where you will find all of the proof you need.
For you are not mere mortals anymore, you have passed that stage a long time ago, but still, you cling to the belief that you are. And as such, the mortal in you seek the presence of proof in all of the ways that it knows, but those ways are so limited. So again we tell you, you know better, and you have for some time now, but it is easy to lose grip of this fact in the barrage of uncertainty that is arising on all sides. But do not think we think ill of you for this, far from it. Are you not the bravest of the brave? And did you not take on this challenge fully knowing that your own heart would have to fight a fierce battle with your own resolve all the way through this stage and beyond? For you are made of sturdier stuff than this dear ones, but still, you will feel more than a little faint of heart at times like this, and rightly so. For your challenge is a mighty one ideed, and so far, you have more than met our expectations, but at the moment, you will mayhaps feel like you have failed to meet your own?
So again we tell you that all is well, and you are advancing in so many ways, but our words will not make you feel less vulnerable. It is only you yourself who can do that, and that is the challenge you have given yourself. We know you can be victorious in this, in fact, you have already proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that you already are, otherwise you would not even be reading this. So please give yourself the chance to discover the same. It is not easy, we know that, but underneath this surface of unease and irritation there is a huge field of clarity within you all. That is where you will find the truth, nowhere else. Not in our words, nor in any other’s, for it is you and only you who can decide what to believe; the human part of you that is striving to stay in control, or the true core of you where every answer to every question you might ever have is safely stored.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival ~ Part 261 ~ January 31st, 2013

As channeled by Aisha North

You have probably started to question yourself and this whole process more than once lately, and that is easy to understand. As we mentioned in our previous message, you are currently in a kind of holding pattern, and this can in many ways be likened to a void where you have seemingly nowhere to go and nowhere to return to. In other words, faith and trust seems to be the only things keeping you going, and for many, both are already starting to grow thin on the ground. Again we say do not berate yourselves should the temper grow volatile these days, for it is not more than natural if you feel like lashing out at someone or something at the moment. Again, the reason for this is understandable, for you have been so fired up by all of these energetic emissions you have partaken of lately, and as such, you feel more than ready to go. But now, it will be like you are stuck on the launching pad, motors ready to roar into full power, but you seem to have lost connection with the command center. So there are no clear directions, and there are no orders to do anything, so all the while the only thing you can do, is sit there seemingly unactive whilst gnashing your teeth in frustration.

Well, we are well aware of your situation, but again, all we can offer is the same old litany of please know that all is well, and even if you may feel more than a little disconnected from it all, you are not. But again we say, this period, although at times mindbogglingly frustrating, is a very important one too, for it is not the idle wait it may feel like at the moment. No, there is indeed a frenzy of activity going on, and for some of you, this activity has started to seep into your consciuosness at odd intervals. There might be some intense interconnections going on during your nighttime, where your body will feel like it is receiving commands and information the likes it has never encountered before. You may have instances of ”abnormal reactions” to call them that during daytime, when either yourself or others will seem to be out of sorts or out of synch with everything around you.

So yes, you are not idle, but much of the goings on will be hidden from view, so again it is indeed our role to pop in at regular intervals to give you a much needed thumbs up. For you have not lost connection to the command center, and your orders have not been revoked. For your mission is still on, and you are in fact proceeding as planned day by day, hour by hour. So again we tell you that there is no stand-down, it is merely a part of the regulated proceedure, and even if you feel like you are stalled, you are actually moving rapidly ahead. We know that this will seem to be at odds with the feeling you will encounter at frequent intervals at the moment, but please understand that this is because your whole sensory system has been redesigned, and as such, it will feel like you are standing still when you are actually whizzing ahead. It is much like when you have been travelling at a certain speed for a very long time, and it feels like you are actually slowing down when you are in fact travelling just as fast as you used to. In other words, your perception of advancement has changed, not the actual speed in which you are proceeding.

So again we tell you to try to savour these days, even when you feel less than inclined to do so, and know that you are in fact speeding towards another of those very important passages that will make its mark upon your body and soul. So remember to breathe deeply, and just release anything that comes aknocking from within, for otherwise you might feel more than a little bloated from the pressure that will build up. For there is indeed much going through you at the moment, and we do mean that both in the mental and physical sense, so try to keep it moving in any way you can. For you are not at a stand still, and you should not act like you are, so just let it go as soon as it comes up, and you will at least feel the relief of sensing some of the action that is going on at the moment. Thank you, that is all we have for now, we leave.